1. Public webservers, www.binoculars.com www.telescopes.com, USA
2. commercial
3. www.binoculars.com www.telescopes.com

4. Binoculars.com has achieved triple digit percentage sales growth since 2001. 
This growth also
brought heavy increase of traffic to their servers. Unfortunately this traffic 
stressed their system
to the point of failure during the 2003 holiday season. After the holidays, the 
top Binoculars.com
priority was fixing the instabilities in their technology. The result of the 
focus of the entire
tech staff was the creation of the technology they call: Dynamically Generated 

Some web technology experts might view Binoculars.coms new method of serving 
plain text HTML as a
step backwards. However, the people at Binoculars.com feel the benefits are 
worth the funny looks
they sometimes receive. A popular opinion in website technology is that cutting 
edge web sites are
entirely dynamically driven. Dynamically driven websites query a database when 
a web page is
requested which produces the content. Binoculars.com found their dynamic site 
was a problem for
their database as the processing power necessary to manage the increasing 
traffic was enormous.
Therefore the company took radical action.

First, the company severed the link to the database from their web server. 
Second, they switched to
open source technology, more specifically, the Apache web server. To say the 
least, says Joseph
Warner, CIO the results have been stunning. One of our main problems at 
Christmas was our name brand
SQL server consistently crashed. Warner continues, With SQL down, our entire 
site was down. Not a
good thing for a company that does 99% of their business on the Internet. The 
other issue
Binoculars.com faced was slow processing of Active Server Pages for web content 
itself. Data from
Veritest, an organization commissioned by Microsoft, suggests that static HTML 
running on Apache web
server can serve over four times as many concurrent users as Dynamic pages 
running on Microsofts
IIS. With a few tweaks of Apache they are seeing over 10 times the serving 

Binoculars.com still uses an SQL database, but only to store data. Then the 
company uses code to
make the HTML web pages from this data. The HTML pages are finally pushed out 
to the web servers
every five minutes. This keeps the servers up to date while keeping the strain 
off SQL.

Previously, Binoculars.coms server pairs (one server for web pages and the 
other for the database)
would max out at 20,000 visitors a day. Now a single Apache server has hit 
traffic spikes of over
200,000 visitors. Another benefit to the companys technology change is price. 
Last Christmas serving
costs were running $2500 per month. Now the company has more servers and the 
ability to handle 90%
more people in a day and the bill has dropped to $1000 per month. This has 
allowed the company to
locate multiple servers throughout the United States. The use of multiple 
servers creates redundancy
and stability. If one server goes out, then pages are served from other 

CEO Daniel Thralow says, Our old system crashed at least twice a week. Now we 
have a structure in
place that seems to rarely, if ever, go down. We have been running on this new 
system for a month
and customer complaints of a slow or frozen site have gone to zero. We have 
also noticed an increase
in new orders. This has been such a period of positive change, that we brought 
in food and few cases
of champagne for the entire staff to celebrate.


Lars Jenkins

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