Le mercredi 19 mai 2004, Matt Kraai écrit :
> On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 12:27:18PM +0200, Nicolas Bertolissio wrote:
> > looking at
> >    http://people.debian.org/~alfie/tidy/fr
> > tidy reports some warnings about empty <dd> tags, here is a patch that
> > should solve this problem for security pages. The warning appears when
> > <moreinfo> is empty, so I added a test on this. BTW this patch also
> > removes the "More info:" line if there is no more info.
> > 
> > It's written in perl as I'm a better at perl than at wml :)
> Thanks for the patch, but how about simply removing the <moreinfo>
> tags from the offending pages?

Well, I've not analysed all templates, and maybe this tag is used
somewhere else, even if empty.

Moreover, some DSA have <moreinfo>, and some don't, so we need to
display the <moreinfo> when it is available.  And, of course, we need
some code to do so.
This code should not be executed when the tag doesn't exist (I've not
tried a "<dd><moreinfo/></dd>" if <moreinfo> doesn't exist, but I assume
this issue a warning at least, or maybe prevents the page from building
at all) and so we need to test whether the tag exists or not.
In my patch I test whether it's empty or not, so I think we need some
code in both case.  My patch simply avoid changing all existing DSA with
empty <moreinfo>.


Nicolas Bertolissio

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