
first of all: dear publicity team, thanks for handling this so very well. Even 
though these are very sad circumstances, I was proud and happy being part of 
Debian when I read Laura's mail here yesterday. Same goes for Ian's memorial 
event at FOSDEM. Thank you.

On Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> Uhm, I'm not entirely sure. My point is that, I suspect, we want the
> official logos on that page to look "normal" also during exceptional
> circumstances (e.g., for people who might want to download and store
> them). Whereas the logos that appear as part of the website theme should
> look exceptional during exceptional circumstances. And you can't have
> both.
> So I think we need a dedicated URL for logos meant to be hotlinked. And
> to give someone (like the publicity team) the ability to make the files
> behind those URLs point to either the normal logos, or the exceptional
> ones, as needed.

While I think this is a technically sound proposal how to do hotlinking, I'm 
not sure I want to do that for the services I maintain, as a matter of 
principle. Hotlinking to a different site is bad, as this leaks visitor 
information to a different entitity. Granted, it's a different entity in the 
same organisation, but still.


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