
Dear all
I have created a git repo importing the CVS repo with git, and pushed it
to Alioth

For now, you will find there 3 branches:

1.- "master"

I'll keep in sync with the CVS repo (I'll try to update daily). This is
intended read-only, please don't commit there.

For the initial import, I did this:

$ git cvsimport -d "$CVSROOT" -C ./webwml -o master -R webwml

(the "-R" is particularly important, because it creates the file
.git/cvs-revisions matching each filename+cvs_revision to its commit_id)

Then I created a new empty repo, and fetched the master branch there.
Then I pushed this new repo to alioth.

The initial cvs import took 2 days approximately.

The daily updates will only add the new commits and update the file
"cvs-revisions" and will take minutes only.

2.- "githashes" is the branch where work can be done in order to prepare
the scripts needed for using git hashes or commit_ids instead of

This would allow to keep most of the workflow we use for translation,
coordination pages, etc unchanged.
In this branch, most of the work should be done, I guess, in:
* the Perl folder (where some scripts live),
* the build scripts (they are at
and the current build logs for the web site can be found at ).

3.- "po4a" is the branch where work can be done in order to use .po
files to generate the language wml files, and thus, no need to compare
versions numbers or hashes.

This would require design a new workflow for commits in the english
folder, a new workflow for translators, and adapt the build scripts, but
we wouldn't need to compare version numbers/hashes, since we'd use the
po4a capabilities to keep the .pot and .po files updated (the changes in
strings are marked as fuzzy, and we can choose not generate the wml
files if the .po is not translated 100%, and show the old translation,
if it exists).

If you want to help:
* First step is to know how the website currently works, please read and its subpages.

* Then have a look a the wiki page created for the migration, where
different approaches are explained

* Review this bug report.

* Choose one of this 2 approaches, and work in the corresponding branch,
or update the wiki page with your ideas, create a branch yourself, and
work there.

* If you have no commit permissions, just send the patches here to the
bug report or point us to the URL of your branch in your local copy.

Laura Arjona Reina

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