On Mon, 2017-04-17 at 22:03 +0300, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
> https://packages.debian.org/jessie/amd64/libqmi-utils/filelist
> lists "/usr/bin/qmicli" but
> https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=bin%2Fqmicl&mode=path&suite=stable&arch=any
> does not find it. Is the search broken at the moment?

>From some quick experimentation, I think the URL you're looking for is
 , which works fine.

The URL you quoted includes in its output the text "You have searched
for paths that end with bin/qmicl in suite jessie, all sections, and all
architectures." There are no paths that _end_ with that string, so the
lack of any results from the search is correct.



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