Hi Phil

El 19/08/17 a las 18:24, Phil escribió:
> Hi All,
> I want to find out more about how I can contribute to debian-www.
Great! Welcome.

The Debian website is big and complicated, but some tasks are do-able for 
I'll put here some links; you'll see there is a lot of things to read, feel free
to just have a look at some parts (you don't need to learn everything prior to
contribute) and ask (by mail or IRC. For the IRC problem see below).

You can see how the website is organized in this page:


and all the subpages linked there.

Also, you can see the list of bugs that we have pending (maybe you find some
task that you can begin to work in):


Another view of the list of bugs, tagged based the corresponding area/page of
the website, is here:


> I tried to join the irc channel #debian-www but it's password-
> protected.

mmm strange.
* Maybe you were trying to join in the Freenode network? The Debian IRC channels
are on the OFTC network:


* Maybe you are using TOR? if that's the case, I think you need to register your
IRC nick in the network (not sure about this part, though).

Best regards

Laura Arjona Reina

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