> Dear Debian,
> Hope you are doing well. I just came across your website and it's very
> great website you and your team have given to the online community.
> And, I found few broken links in https://www.debian.org/doc/ page. Kindly
> verify and update if required as this webpage is accessed by many of of the
> user everyday. Below links in the webpage https://www.debian.org/doc/ are
> broken.
> Status URL Source link text
> 503 Service Unavailable http://www.debianhelp.org/ debianHELP
> <https://www.debian.org/support>
> -1 Not found: The server name or address could not be resolved
> http://ask.debian.net ask.debian.net <https://www.debian.org/support>
> -1 Not found: The server name or address could not be resolved
> http://www.cequadrat.com/ CeQuadrat <https://www.debian.org/CD/faq/>
> 403 Forbidden
> http://www.dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Unix/ Open
> Directory &mdash; Unix <https://www.debian.org/support>
> -1 Timeout http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/ UNIXhelp for users
> <https://www.debian.org/support>

> A kind request:
> I would like to say that we are also one of the developers of online C
> programming tutorial for online community and students. Our website will be
> very useful for all students, developers and technical people who are
> willing to learn C, SQL, Java programming. Could you please consider adding
> our website link in your webpage https://www.debian.org/doc/
> Our website is below.
> C programming: http://fresh2refresh.com/c-programming/
> Online Compilers ( C, C++, Java + 15 more )
> http://compilers.fresh2refresh.com/

> Thanks in advance! Once again, your appreciation will really boost us to
> develop more free programming tutorials in different domains for online
> community and for students. Looking forward for your suggestion and
> response. Have a nice weekend!
> Thanks and Regards,
> Fresh2refresh Online Tutorials

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