Hi Laura and debian-www,

recently you performed some changings regarding checksum files on several 
releases pages like:

--- index.wml   2017/05/13 08:33:34     1.6
+++ index.wml   2017/09/19 13:35:57     1.7
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
        installation is similar to installing from a single architecture full
        CD image; the DVD also includes the source for all included packages.
-       For the netinst CD images, <tt>MD5SUMS</tt> and
-       <tt>SHA1SUMS</tt> files are available from the same directory as the
+       For the netinst CD images, verification files (<tt>SHA256SUMS</tt>,
+       <tt>SHA512SUMS</tt> and other) are available from the same directory as 

The above is for english/releases/jessie/debian-installer/index.wml, but 
it's the same for wheezy, stretch, squeeze, etch, lenny and buster.

It talks only about netinst CD images, but this not completely true:
there are checksum files for CD or DVD images too.

And in times of iso hybrid images, CD images cannot be used for CDs only,
but also for USB sticks, as an example.

Long story short:
I would suggest to change this into

"For the installation images there are verification files (<tt>SHA256SUMS</tt>,
<tt>SHA512SUMS</tt> and other) available from the same directory as the

The same also counts for devel/debian-installer/index.

What do you think? Do you want me to commit this?


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