Turnitin Plagiarism Checker available

If you think Turnitin store the file in the database, then you are wrong. Why? 
Read it below:

There are two types of settings in Turnitin, One is known as repository 
setting, and another one is known as no repository. The institute’s use 
repository setting and they keep the files in the Turnitin database while we 
are using no repository setting, none of your files and data will not be stored 
in the Turnitin database. We will register a personal Turnitin account on your 
email, and you will be able to check your paper anytime you want. 

Price $10/month and paper checking limit 300/month 

For more info Visit Our website:



Contact me:  

Skype: sabir.shah74 

Email: sabirshah4...@gmail.com

NOTE: If you are a company and need a free trial before purchasing. Please 
email us from your company email, and we will be happy to provide you with a 
free trial for 2 days.
Thanks a lot.

usman shah, peshawar, peshawar, kpk, 25000, PakistanUNSUBSCRIBE

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