Hi *debian.org,*//

How are you doing today?

I'm sure you have been reached regarding this before but our value proposition is very much unique. As a business owner you might be interested to attract more visitors. So you might be wondering, although having a proficient website, why you are not able to overturn your competitors from the Top Search Results. If you could spare couple of minutes, I could provide you a brief idea about it.

To start with this is Daniel Parker, a Digital Marketing Expert. While doing a search on Google, I found debian.org not found on the 1st Page of results. So thought you might be interested to know about the causation for the low performance of debian.org. Most recently along with *FRED* update *Phantom* has become talk of the town. Phantom is the name given to random updates that Google brings at regular intervals. *Which means the websites having a single un-natural link is going to be penalized.*

*Why debian.org Needs Our Assistance:*

 * debian.org has low PR Link Building.
 * Relevant keyword phrases are not on 1st Page.
 * debian.org is having coding Errors.
 * Content of debian.org need to be revised, as per Google guidelines.
 * debian.org is having On-Page and On-Site Issues.
 * Lack of Social Media Promotion.

We can help address the above Issues, and Place the website on TOP Search Results. I guarantee 100% satisfaction, as we only deal in White Hat Process.

Makes Sense!!! Drop us a email with your questions, we will answer your questions.

Have a Great Day.

Thanks & Regards,

Daniel Parker | (Digital Marketing Expert)


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