Hi Gary, have you visited https://www.debian.org/support.en.html ? If you
already do, have you try the irc channels? mail list? Moreover your
explanations about your problem with packages are very poor. Wich are your
sources, which packages,  ...
Anyway you're some lucky, this is the second response in less than 24 hours
: )

2018-02-07 13:49 GMT+01:00 Gary Vaught <gdv.p...@gmail.com>:

> I've never gotten a response from user support. This is the first response
> I've ever gotten from ANYTHING.  And, to be clear, I never needed user
> support until I upgraded to my current version.  Everything that I needed
> was available via user forums.  So, given that I loved all of the previous
> versions of Debian that I used, I will try to work with user support - just
> give me a WORKING email address or web link to contact them.  I don't care
> which.  I'd love to continue with this and not go to something that is more
> Windows-like.
> -
> Best Regards,
> Gary D Vaught
> Libertarianism is the philosophy which says that you can run your life
> better than the government can, and you have the right to be left alone in
> order to do it. – Unknown
> On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 4:34 PM, Pfannenstein Erik <debianign...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> it's sad to see you go. Couldn't our user support people help you with
>> your
>> problems?
>> Greetings,
>> Erik

Mikel Merino

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