On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 7:44 PM, Jonny Grant wrote:

> Based on this, would debian follow a modern approach? We're in 2018, not 2001!

We don't have any web-based package managers AFAIK ;)

How about this?

reportbug is installed by default so you should be able to start
reportbug from the "System" category of your menus.

If (reportbug)[apt://reportbug] is not yet installed, you can install
it using the package manager installed on your system (such as GNOME
Software, KDE Muon, Synaptic, Aptitude GTK etc).

If you don't have a graphical package manager installed, you can open
the terminal application and run a command-line package manager as

If you are using a modern desktop such as GNOME or KDE, you can run
this command:

pkexec apt install reportbug

If you did not set a root password or your user has sudo access, you
can run this command:

sudo apt install reportbug

If you set a root password, you can run this command:

su -c 'apt install reportbug'



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