On Fri, Aug 02, 2019 at 02:34:53PM +0700, Bagas Sanjaya wrote:
>Currently Debian Wiki (wiki.d.o) is run on MoinMoin. I proposed migration to 
>MediaWiki, which is most deployed wiki
>application. It is used by Wikipedia and FANDOM.COM.
>AFAIK, MediaWiki's features are:
>- Searching through logs. This feature is thrown when user search for 
>non-existent articles.
>- User Talk, similar to comments on blog. Unlike comments, User Talk has its 
>own page, related to corresponding article.
>- Articles can be edited anonymously (without logging in).
>- Content Licensing. During installing MediaWiki, license for wiki contents 
>can be selected, perhaps the most popular
>is CC-BY-SA 3.0. Thus, footers on wiki site contains "Contents are licensed 
>under $license".
>- Page Templates. This can be form of notes or warnings.
>Let me know for any technical issues.

Sorry, not interested at all. We have a lot of data in our moin, and a
migration is a massive amount of work.

Steve McIntyre                                        93...@debian.org
Debian wiki admin - wiki.debian.org

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