On Thu, 2021-03-18 at 10:18 +0100, mx vx wrote:

> E: Failed to fetch http://debian.inode.at/debian/dists/bullseye/InRelease  
> 403  Forbidden [IP: xx.xx.xx.xx 80]
> E: The repository 'http://debian.inode.at/debian bullseye InRelease' is not 
> signed.

I get the same error from my Australian IP address, and also from other
servers on the Internet. I suggest that you first contact the admins
for the mirror using the mir...@inode.at address and if you do not get
a response, then please report a bug against the Debian 'mirrors'
package in order to get it removed from the mirrors list.

> I missed the second line: about an unsigned file I guess.
> I suppose that is a result of the line above.




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