reassign 614507 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau

Hi again,

Nigel Horne <> (21/02/2011):
> > upgrading from which version?
> I've no idea.  But if you can give me a pointer on how to find out I
> will let you know.  Is it in a log file somewhere?

/var/log/dpkg.log will probably tell you. But if you could tell me
whether you upgraded from a squeeze system to a sid system, that would
be OK for me.

If you don't know, look for the following package in that log file:
  linux-image-* (packages starting with “linux-image-”)

Until we triage it further (probably a bug in the kernel or in the
nouveau driver), you may want to try and use the fbdev driver
instead. Make sure xserver-xorg-video-fbdev is installed and specify
the fbdev driver in xorg.conf as described in:

> > Do you mean X starts but the screen is garbled?
> Yes

Could you please explain a bit more details how it's garbled?

In the meanwhile, I'm reassigning this bug report to the nouveau video
driver, Sven will probably take you from here.


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