> > [9402544.148312] [drm:intel_crtc_cursor_set],
> > [9402544.148316] [drm:intel_crtc_cursor_set], cursor off
> > [9402550.044010] [drm:intel_gpu_idle_timer], idle timer fired,
> > downclocking
> Yeah probably, mainly I'm wondering if there's some clue when the freeze
> does happen.

These are the only things happening.

I also had one - possibly unrelated - crash, forcing me to reboot. I then 
upgraded to whatever was in sid a week ago and now there has been some 
improvement: the freezes are now quite short, perhaps 15 seconds or so. On the 
other hand, that means I do not have enough time to attach a debugger to X 
from another machine!

Also, my Xorg process now has 31M RSS, while before reboot it had >300M... 
Perhaps there was (is?) a memory leak somewhere?


                | Juha Jäykkä, ju...@iki.fi                     |
                | http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~juhaj           |

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