Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Version: 2:2.13.0-7

This is an interaction of several different packages.

Firstly, as you know the X video driver needs the i915 module to be loaded to work correctly; furthermore it requires the module to attempt to set the video mode during initilisation. Without this X doesn't load the video driver. With it the driver get loaded and works correctly.

But, the kernel driver is buggy, if loaded with modeset=1 it will corrupt the display controller blanking the display.

Unfortunatly, udev loads all drivers it can during the boot and uses the configuration set for modprobe.

Luckily, someone seems to have though of this. When udev loads modules it supplies the "--use-blacklist" option, whereas X calls modprobe without the "--use-blacklist" option.

So please set the contents of the file /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf to this:

    blacklist i915
    options i915 modeset=1

This means it isn't loaded during boot and is loaded correctly when X starts.

It also means that "xinit true" loads the video driver correctly and fixes the screen mode after booting "vga=0x305" ... bit of an overkill but never
mind that :-)

It seems I also need it on one machine for the radeon driver; this being so I would suggest it's a good idea for all drivers using kms and requiring the kernel to do a modeset.

Rob.                          (Robert de Bath <robert$ @>)

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