----- Original Message -----
| From: "積丹尼 Dan Jacobson" <jida...@jidanni.org>
| To: "Thomas Dickey" <dic...@his.com>
| Cc: 872...@bugs.debian.org
| Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 9:54:28 PM
| Subject: Bug#872778: xterm -lc (with UTF-8 locale) cannot properly copy some 
utf-8 unicode chars

| These three show as boxes in xterm.
| T> &show(0x1f618, "FACE THROWING A KISS");
| T> &show(0x7522, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-7522");
| T> &show(0x9109, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-9109");
| Yes, copying them from xterm to elsewhere reveals them.

Then this item can be closed.  I think you had in mind something like #578825

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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