Branden Robinson wrote:
On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 05:25:23PM -0500, Bryan W. Headley wrote:

It's there, it just doesn't nag you every time.

Groovy. It zaps my XF86Config whenever it feels like not nagging me. I feel special, for unknown reasons...

The "zapping" is extensively documented.

dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86

You don't suppose the same tool that auto-wrong-guesses the configuration is the same one dpkg-reconfigure calls?

Probably (read-edid), but autodetection is not performed if there are
already answers to the corresponding questions in the debconf database.

You're clearly annoyed at my efforts to keep newbies from having to edit
XF86Config files themselves.  There is a debconf question just for folks
like you:

You should only have it one of two ways: it overwrites the configuration file, but does so correctly, or it assumes you are knowledgeable enough with vi to cook the XF86Config file. (I'm in the latter group, BTW)

You can't have a tool that presents the veneer of knowing what it's doing clobbering stuff. It presents the same issue that people accuse rpm of having: it's not smart enough to do an upgrade correctly.

The debconf database is interesting: it has default answers to configuration questions, answered scattershot by some poor schmuck running dselect for the first time -- he doesn't know/know how to find out the answers to the questions, he's just answering them to make the damned prompts go away (and maybe he can go back and hand-fix things later). We're relying on crap answers, and not explaining that we keep going back to that well. I personally wouldn't mind a little tool to grep through the debconf db and explain what it thinks are default answers. Heh, also explains why "sunmouse" keeps disappearing from my sparc's configuration...

My opinion, worth $0.02: need to rig interaction with discover, Xautoconf, kudzu, or (tool du jour) to pre-populate answers, to do sanity check against debconf.

Template: xserver-xfree86/manage_config_with_debconf
Type: boolean
Default: true
Description: Manage XFree86 4.x server configuration file with debconf?
 The /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, which contains the configuration information
 for the XFree86 version 4 X server, can be handled automatically by debconf,
 or manually by you.
 Note that only specific, marked sections of the configuration file will be
 handled by debconf if you select this option; if those markers are absent,
 the configuration file will not be updated automatically, and you will have
 to update the file manually, or move or delete the file.

____               .:.                 ____
Bryan W. Headley - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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