On Mon Apr 13 10:41, Robert Grimm wrote:
> On Sun, 12 April 2009, you wrote:
> > Please do not accept any of the patches. Most users want things to just
> > work. Anyone who wants to keep their systems hal-free is capable of
> > configuring xorg accordingly and should be able to make a filler package
> > using equivs to fulfill the dependency with no need to increase the
> > complexity for the majority.
> In my opinion, HAL is unneeded complexity.
> Furthermore, the referenced "most users" are perfectly capable to
> install recommends. This is the default behavior in Debian.
> If they like to install every piece of software, that makes their life
> "easier", why wouldn't they install recommends?

Concur. We _have_ a perfectly good system for saying "please install
this unless you know what you are doing"; it's 'recommends'. It doesn't
force people to hack around the issue (and equivs _is_ hacking around
the issue), but it does get installed by default unless  people know
what they are doing. Not only that, but you also have a metapackage,
which is what people generally install by default. Add a hard depends to
that by all means, but you don't need to _require_ it.

I'm not even likely to want to install it without hal myself, but I see
no reason whatsoever not to allow people a hal-less X if they want.


Matthew Johnson

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