On Sun, 09 Feb 2020 18:21:11 +0100
Yves-Alexis Perez <cor...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On Sun, 2020-02-09 at 16:57 +0000, Bzzzz wrote:
> > > I tried on my own Buster installation but I can't reproduce your
> > > problem. I installed Orage and it worked just fine here (either the
> > > plugin or running from command line).
> >
> > Rahhhh ! :/
> > Could it be something coming from xfce configuration files?
> > (although, if they come from squeeze, most of them have been updated
> > or suppressed.)
> I'd find it unlikely. You might want to try with a fresh user, just in
> case.

Just tried, it works ferpectly :/

> > > When you run orage from command line, what is displayed on the
> > > terminal?
> >
> > The calendar window opens (borders, frame and background) for ~500
> > ms, then disappear.
> >
> > > Is the process stuck or does it returns?
> >
> > It returns with that:
> >
> > $ orage
> > ** Message: 16:45:12.883: Orage **: 16:45:12  wakeup timer init 0
> > Segmentation fault
> Ok. Can you run it throught gdb and when it crashes, run bt full and
> copy the output?

I don't know how to do that, could you explain it?

> > > If you run through strace, does it outputs anything meaningful?
> >
> > No for me, but I manager to make a log file (with: strace orage >
> > orage_strace.log 2>&1), I join it as an attachement.
> >
> I'll take a look.

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