Le lun, 07 aoû 2000, vous avez écrit :
> The new DS II cards were of course played by all. Nearly every deck contained 
> the new Starting Interrupt that allows you to begin with 3 Effects. The 
> Admirals Orders were played only by a minority. Ralltiir Operations was 
> played by 22 of 42 players and so the better LS players had some easy wins 
> because most players had anti-RalOps decks.

***- Tu as vu cela, c'est incroyable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
INCROYABLE ! Plus d'un deck sur 2 est un ralops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> The final confrontation was very unspectacular. Martin Falke played against 
> Lars Grasedyck. Martin was the only unbeaten player after 6 games and he 
> continued without any problems with two +21 wins in the final games. Reaching 
> a final score of 16 (+199) he was teased about not being able to make the 
> +200. :-)    

***- Voilà, c'est pas bastian.

> 1st :  Martin Falke             12 (+157)   4 (+42)
> 2nd:  Lars Grasedyck          10 (+62)     0 (-42)
> 3rd:  Bastian Winkelhaus    10 (+56)

***- Mais pas loin ! Pas de chance encore un qui termine troisième et qui viendra le 
couteau entre les dents.
Et si ce EC était le championnat des 3eme aux regional :))))))

Fabien Jacques
Red 71
ICQ : 12218536

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