Is this at new version of SirCam

came with this subject: homepage

and this text Hi!

You've got to see this page! It's really cool ;O)

and an attachnebt called homepage.htm.zlv with an icon showing a letter and
a lock on top of it ???

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R. Scott Perry
Sent: 15. august 2001 15:56
Subject: Re: [Declude.Virus] Anti Virus Policy

>We have installed and are using Declude with F-Prot and we are very happy
>with the results.  However, it raises an interesting policy issue.  Because
>by definition, a virus scanner's ability to detect a new virus will lag
>behind the introduction of a virus, there will still be a chance that a new
>virus will get through to a user's computer.  So if the user knows that we
>are supposedly providing anti-virus protection for email, yet their
>gets infected, who is to blame (spelled liable)?

That is a good question, and one with no clear answer.  Even if there is a
clearly defined law locally, how can you be sure that one of your users
isn't calling from another country?  Unlikely, but possible.

No virus software, no matter how good it is, can stop all viruses.  No
matter how quickly they act, they have to see a live virus before they can
find a way to detect it.  Someone has to be sent the virus in the first
place, and report it to the AV company.

>We are updating our TOS and AUP to include statements about virus
>responsibilities.  Naturally, we will hold the end user fully responsible
>for all virus protection for their own systems.

That sounds like a good idea to me.  You may want to say something about
how the virus scanning "reduces the risk of viruses".  It can't hurt to
educate users (some of whom are scared that they will catch the virus their
computer has!) to let them know that they can get viruses in other ways, as
well (if they connect to other mail servers, through HTML scripts, floppies
they borrow, even ICQ).

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