>But theoretically some script kiddy can send two files to his victim:
>- a Virus/Trojan with renamed extension (.txt)
>- a small script or program that never will e identified as a malicuos
>Now the victim will launch the second programm (you know there are more
>then enough people doing this)
>And this easily can rename the first file an launch this one.

Ah, but why bother sending the .txt file?  Why not just send the small 
script or program that will not be identified as malicious?  It's pretty 
easy to write a malicious file that will bypass virus scanners.

>I know the SKIPEXT can be very usefull on high-traffic-systems, but i
>think if your server has enough resources it will be much better to scan
>all files.

It certainly can't hurt to scan text files, assuming that the CPU time 
isn't an issue.  On the other hand, I've never heard of a case where an 
executable program was sent in a .txt file that was sent along with another 
file that renamed and ran the .txt file.  If that script kiddy is willing 
to go to that much trouble, they could almost as easily write malicious 
code that would bypass the scanner (a simple "del *.*" type command by 
itself would likely bypass virus scanners).  Remember, virus scanners are 
primarily looking for code that replicates, rather than destructive code.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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