>Does anyone know anything about the W97M/Hopper.G Virus?  I have a user 
>that says they received this via email and it was caught by declude when 
>they tried to resend it after modifying it.  I have been unable to find 
>any useful information on it other than the fact that F-Prot is catching 
>it.  Is this a new virus?  I usually check out info at 
><http://www.sarc.com>www.sarc.com but they don't even have it listed.  So 
>far only one copy has been seen.  Has anyone seen this one or have a good 
>link for information on this particular virus?

F-Secure has information at 
http://www.europe.f-secure.com/v-descs/hopper.shtml, and McAfee has 
information at http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_99247.htm.  It was 
originally discovered about a year and a half ago.  Any chance that the 
user received it from another E-mail account?

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