Title: Problems with catching Virus

        We are in the testing phase of deploying the antivirus across our Imail  server, thus we are using the virus domains file to limit testing to a few domains.  We are using the Computer Associates InoculateIT 6.0 engine to scan for viruses.  Our scanner reads:

C:\Progra~1\CA\Common\ScanEn~1\inocmd32.exe /ARC /LIS:report.txt

        To test this, we simply copied down the EICAR test virus into a directory on the local machine (Imail Server w/Declude).  I ran the the command line above to test the virus to ensure it would detect it and it did (no on-access scanning is running, has been disabled).   I opened up the Imail Client on the default domain and emailed my username on my domain (which is included in the virus domains file as ON).  I received the email and the virus attached to the email.  Once I popped it off the Imail Server, my onboard Antivirus caught it.  I checked the virxx.log file and it showed it was scanned as OK.  Is there anything else I can check to see what it going on.  I could increase the logging to DEBUG from MID.  Thanks for the aid.


Keith Johnson, MCP
Network Engineer
Network Advocates, Inc.
Tel:       502.412.1050
Fax:      502.412.1058

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