Here is the problem we are having. We are using Grisoft AVG as our virus scanner, and declude virus to interact with IMail 7.13.

We contstantly get SMTP32.EXE errors, as well as NTVDM.EXE errors.
This is a known problem with IMail -- you can go to for an overview of the issue.

If we set our Maximum Processes to about 30 or so, they stop.
That's the default value, and the value recommended by IMail. So Ipswitch does know a bit about this issue. <G>

Unfortunately when we do that our queue gets very backed up.
Then you'll need to find out where the bottleneck is:

A couple of questions:

1. When we run the DECCON.EXE to monitor our traffic, in an hour it will say maybe 3,4k E-mail, most of which are spam. (atleast 90%).
But our queue will say around 800 or so. Does the queue include those that are spam?
What queue? Do you mean the \IMail\spool directory (or the "View Queue" option in IMail Adminstrator)? Those will only show the number of E-mails waiting for delivery, whereas deccon.exe shows the total number of E-mails that have been processed since it started.

If so, is there a way to make it to where the spam doesnt even reach the queue, it just gets rejected or dropped without having to be processed, or atleast processed as much?
No. There are a few problems with this. The first is that it can't be done (at least without lots of nasty behind-the-scenes coding, such as Winsock shims, which would likely eat a fair amount of CPU time), as IMail doesn't let Declude see the E-mail until it is in the queue. The second is that many spam tests can't be run on the E-mail until after it is in the queue (such as those that look at the headers or the message body, or if you have any gateways/backups that you want to account for).

2. In IMail we have our Delivery app set to Declude.exe, why is SMTP32.exe running?
That's because Declude.exe doesn't actually deliver the E-mails -- it just scans them, and then passes them on to SMTP32.exe for delivery.

And is there any way to resolve the NTVDM.EXE problem?
Ah, that may be the key to the problem. A small percentage of servers -- around 5% to 10% from my best guesses -- choke on NTVDM (16-bit) programs, for no apparent reason. It's quite possible that it is accounting for the problem, especially if you process a high volume (well over 50,000 E-mails/day).

The problem is that Grisoft's command line scanner that you are using is a 16-bit program. One option would be to see if they have a 32-bit command line scanner. If that isn't an option, you may want to try a different scanner, such as the fpcmd.exe 32-bit command line scanner that comes with the Windows version of F-Prot, or the scan.exe that comes with McAfee's scanners.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (]

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