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-------------Original message text-------------------
From: Sanford Whiteman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@declude.com
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 2004, 1:55:39 PM
Subject: OT: JM/Virus modules

[Marking this as OT to de-escalate it on such a busy day.]

I  just  wanted to put a word in for the (far future) separation of JM
and Virus interim functionality.

The   new   anti-zip  flexibility  looks  great,  but  I've  read  and
experienced   enough   of   the   continuing   adjustment  to  interim
functionality  that  I really never deploy interims anymore. Like many
(most?)  users, the huge majority of my Declude maintenance time is on
the  JM  side,  and  I  need  that  functionality  to  be as stable as

If  Declude  were  to become more modular, with a core DECLUDE.EXE and
DECJM.DLL  and  DECVIRUS.DLL,  mightn't  it  be  possible to introduce
_some_ cool stuff for one product without any changes to the other? Of
course,  many  changes--logging  or  any  other shared routines--would
surely  involve  changes  in the core module and so an overall upgrade
could  not  be  completely  avoided...but  _some_ product enhancements
could  be  slipstreamed  in  without  regression  worries in the other

I  can  readily imagine that this would create a giant tangle relative
to  the current development process--I have even worried that my _own_
modular code should be consolidated for performance, especially when I
build  a  process-centric  product like Declude and have to accept DLL
loading  overhead  on  every  execution--but the end result might be a
little  less  apprehension.  Just  a  thought, for the far future, and
surely one voiced before. :)


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

SpamAssassin plugs into Declude!

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