So what is the best command line to use with 3.14e?

BC Web

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Titei" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:03 PM
Subject: [Declude.Virus] F-Prot 3.14 d&e Rel. Notes

> I thought that these notes for the last 2 releases of F-Prot would be
> interesting. Here you go, fresh from F-Prot tech Support:
> Cheers,
> Adrian
> --- snip ---
> ------------------
> Version 3.14d changes some defaults
> The default of the /ARCHIVE switch is now to scan only "one level deep"
> into
> archives, that is archives within archives will not be scanned.  The
> default
> behavior can be changed with /ARCHIVE=n, where "n" is the desired
> scanning
> depth, for example /ARCHIVE=3 will scan archives within archives within
> archives.
> The reason for this change is to prevent the scanner from taking
> unacceptably
> long to scan so-called "zip bombs", some of which use ove 40 levels of
> archives, or include tens of thousands of archives nested within each
> other.
> The /SERVER switch is a new addition.  It will put F-PROT in mail server
> mode, enabling some heuristics which are only enabled by default in the
> mail
> server versions (Linux and others) and the fpcmd program (Windows
> command-line
> version of F-PROT).  Those heuristics will for example complain about
> encrypted executable files within archives.
> Changes in version 3.14e
> Version 3.14e includes only some minor changes
> We had to make a minor engine change to detect some replicants of the
> Bagle.P virus.
> When the /SERVER or /PARANOID switches are used, F-PROT will alert on
> encrypted files in ZIP archives in more cases than previously.
> Scanning of Access databases has been speeded up significantly.
> The total number of viruses and Trojans that are detected with version
> 3.14e is somewhere over 112300.
> --- snip ---
> ---
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