> One option (with Declude Virus Pro) is to ban file extensions within .ZIP
> files (blocking all .EXE, .PIF, .SCR, .BAT, .COM, etc. files).  The other
> option would be to rename the .ZIP file to use another extension.

So if I understand correctly, I should be able to send a zip file to
somebody on my server and they will receive it?  But, if it was zip file
that contained a scr or pif or whatever, Declude would stop it?

Again, it all depends on how you have it set up.

With "BANEXT EZIP", all encrypted .ZIP files are blocked (which is recommended). In that case, you can send a .ZIP file to someone on your server and they will receive it (assuming it is not an encrypted .ZIP file).

If you do not want to ban all encrypted .ZIP files, you'll need to use Declude Virus Pro with "BANEZIPEXTS ON" (to ban file extensions within encrypted .ZIP files; you can also use "BANZIPEXTS ON" to ban file extensions within non-encrypted .ZIP files) and a bunch of BANEXT lines (one per extension you wish to block). Then, those extensions will be blocked in standard files, as well as encrypted .ZIP and/or standard .ZIP files.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers since 2000.
Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
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[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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