Like most people on the list, I told Declude to block EZIP files. I just
got a call from a client that said that his messages couldn't be sent out
because it was an EZIP file (password protected zip file; payroll). I told
him of the server configuration and suggested that maybe zipping the
password protected zip file would work. When I tested my suggestion, I was
surprised that it worked and the zip file was passed without a worry from
the server.
I was wondering, is this already built into the Pro version and what could
us standard's do if the virus writers begin this type of attack?

No, Declude Virus will not protect against that. There is eventually going to be a limit as to what new viruses can get people to do ("Rename the FILE1.TXT file to FILE2.ZIP, then extract the FILE2.ZIP file from the FILE1.ZIP file, then use the password that is equal to the number 32468 plus 45 and then the letter 'A' to extract FILE3.EXE from FILE2.ZIP, and then run it."). Every proactive measure that we take in cases like this ends up causing problems for people trying to send legitimate E-mail.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers since 2000.
Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
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