A client reguarly receives a passworded .zip file. A similiar file is batch sent to 100's of others - the sender cant/wont change the way they send these files.

That would have been fine -- until March, 2004, when there was yet another change to the way E-mail needs to be handled. If they send encrypted .ZIP files, they need to either rename the extension (which may be only a temporary solution), find another method to send the E-mail (perhaps an unencrypted .ZIP file with the encrypted .ZIP file in it), or accept that some of their E-mails will be blocked.

It's important to remember that sending attachments via E-mail is a hack -- FTP is the protocol designed specifically for transferring files.

The file is always received from the same sender using the same ip address

We have been using virus_domains.txt to bypass our clients email being scanned for virus's until very recently, but has found several virus's have recently got thru their own anti virus software

Is there any way of declude virus whitelisting either the senders email address or ip address for email being sent to our client? - I have added the IP address to be whitelisted in global.cfg but it still deletes what it believes to be an infected file

Note that the global.cfg file only affects Declude JunkMail (not Declude Virus).

There isn't any way to whitelist users or IPs in Declude Virus. If users want to have potentially dangerous E-mail delivered to them, they need to run AV software that meets their needs.

Declude JunkMail: The advanced anti-spam solution for IMail mailservers since 2000.
Declude Virus: Ultra reliable virus detection and the leader in mailserver vulnerability detection.
Find out what you've been missing: Ask for a free 30-day evaluation.

[This E-mail was scanned for viruses by Declude Virus (http://www.declude.com)]

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