Ok, I've captured one of these files and confirmed from a manual scan that it is still taking an excessive amount of time...but wait, there's more.  The report.txt file that it creates shows that it detected Mytob, but every test where I send this to myself in E-mail results in no virus detected by F-Prot using VIRUSCODE 3, 6, 8, 9 or 10.  I haven't gone as far as coding something up that can capture the exit code from the command line yet, but I would be curious what if any was returned.

Here's what Declude Virus shows for this file when I send it to myself:
04/28/2005 17:40:57 Q58666795008E87C7 MIME file: [text/html][7bit; Length=695 Checksum=54365]
04/28/2005 17:40:57 Q58666795008E87C7 MIME file: doc.zip [base64; Length=56432 Checksum=6987426]
--- 10 second gap while F-Prot scans ---
04/28/2005 17:41:07 Q58666795008E87C7 Could not find parse string Infection:  in report.txt
04/28/2005 17:41:08 Q58666795008E87C7 Scanner 2: Virus=the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] Attachment= [0] I
04/28/2005 17:41:08 Q58666795008E87C7 File(s) are INFECTED [the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]: 13]
04/28/2005 17:41:08 Q58666795008E87C7 Scanned: CONTAINS A VIRUS [Prescan OK][MIME: 3 57490]
04/28/2005 17:41:08 Q58666795008E87C7 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [incoming from]
04/28/2005 17:41:08 Q58666795008E87C7 Subject: [Fwd: Mail Delivery System]
Here's a link to the virus for those that might want to test it out for themselves.  Turn off your real-time virus scanner, right click the file and press save as, and rename it as doc.zip (it's not really a text file).
Here's the command line for F-Prot that I was using with the file located in C:\test\doc.zip:
C:\Progra~1\FSI\F-Prot\fpcmd.exe /TYPE /SILENT /NOBOOT /NOMEM /ARCHIVE=5 /PACKED /DUMB /REPORT=C:\test\report.txt C:\test\doc.zip
Here's the output from the report.txt file when manually scanned:
Virus scanning report  -  28 April 2005 @ 17:45

Program version: 3.16b
Engine version: 3.16.6

SIGN.DEF created 28 April 2005
SIGN2.DEF created 28 April 2005
MACRO.DEF created 20 April 2005

Search: C:\test\doc.zip
Action: Report only
Files: "Dumb" scan of all files
Memory was not scanned.
Hard disk boot sectors were not scanned.

C:\test\doc.zip->doc.scr->(Packed)  is a security risk named W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Results of virus scanning:

Files: 1
MBRs: 0
Boot sectors: 0
Objects scanned: 2
Infected: 0
Suspicious: 1
Disinfected: 0
Deleted: 0
Renamed: 0

Time: 0:10

So it takes 10 seconds, find a "security risk named W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and says it is "Suspicious", but I have Declude configured to treat an exit code of 8 as a virus currently, and that's what Suspicious files are supposedly marked as.  I don't know if there is a different code being returned, or if F-Prot is just bugging out and not returning a code.  Maybe some of you can clear that part up.

MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.

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