This is scary.  I verified the same pattern of the messages all being relayed through one of those two servers.  The headers of the messages also show randomization in both the types of headers as well as the basic construct of things like message boundaries.  This is very spammy, and it is a clear sign of this being a seeding event where machines that were previously compromised have been configured with spamware to carry out this coordinated mass-mailing.

As far as this particular worm goes, it follows a pattern now over a year old.  The neo-nazi's in Germany have used this virus to infect machines and then in turn they sent out massive amounts of propaganda.  They did this twice so far, and before each event there was a similar outbreak of Sober.  This shows a sophistication that I have not ever seen.  The trick of relaying everything through a service provider really takes the cake.  This virus was designed to not only get past virus scanners, but also spam blocking.  I haven't seen any other viruses that have done anything to mask their true source like this one does.


Darin Cox wrote:
We're seeing a lot of emails with attached.  May want to block it in your virus.cfg.
Subject is "Your new Password"  All so far were routed through or just before delivery, but are originating from a variety of dial-up or broadband ISP accounts.


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