For all customers that are running Smartermail I just wanted to remind you that if your Upgrade Protection (Ability to upgrade to the latest version of Smartermail) has NOT expired the renewal rate is at a highly discounted price. This is not well known information or published information! if you want to renew your Smartermail Upgrade protection the prices are not listed on the website and you will need to email or call us 1.866.332.
The reason I am posting this is I have noticed a lot of the SmarterMail licenses of Declude customers expire in Aug and Sep. To check your expiration date of Smartermail - log into your Declude account and look on your host record you should see the expiration date of your Smartermail Upgrade Protection. If not please email or call us 1.866.332.5833 and we can get it for you. David Barker VP Operations Declude Your Email security is our business 978.499.2933 office 978.988.1311 fax <> --- This E-mail came from the Declude.JunkMail mailing list. To unsubscribe, just send an E-mail to, and type "unsubscribe Declude.JunkMail". The archives can be found at