> I think it is unfortunate that the Delphi community (and Free Pascal
> community) is so fractured today. There used to be much online activity - 
> so much that people started many different forums to accommodate it all.
> Now there are many inactive forums almost all of which are sparsely used.
> Even the Embarcadero forums have very little traffic.
> I wish we could consolidate into a few places that are very active again.

There are such a few places!
Mailing lists and traditional news groups are fading. Social media are
gaining audience.

1)  http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=101829
   5500 members today
2) http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1290947
    4045 members right now
3) https://plus.google.com/communities/103113685381486591754
     1620 members as per today

The Google Plus group is growing fast. It will probably outperform LinkedIn
groups in a few months. Since the beginning of 2013, Google+ has much more
interesting traffic than LinkedIn. And most peoples are part of all 3

Embarcadero MVP

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