>What is the difference between
>  panel:=tpanel.Create(owner);
>  panel:=tpanel.Create(self);

The owner is the object, if any, that will free your panel automatically
when its free'd itself (often when the application ends), so you don't
have to.  If you free it explicitly then it doesn't matter - you could
put panel := TPanel.Create(nil).

>BTW when the proc is finished, do both instances need panel.destroy

Use panel.Free, not panel.Destroy.  In either instance you can leave
this out - because you set a value for Owner, your Owner will free it
moments before it itself is free'd.

EasySqueezy  :)



Carl Reynolds                      Ph: +64-9-4154790
CJN Technologies Ltd.             Fax: +64-9-4154791
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                DDI: +64-9-4154795
PO Box 302-278, North Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand
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Visit our website at http://www.cjntech.co.nz/
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