The driver is so trivial, its not funny.  I have been playing with 
GiveIO, but it has a major flaw - it gives access to all ports to the 
app.  Worse, it appears to do it for all apps.  So, I would like to 
restrict it to one port.

To recompile I need ntddk.h, Has anyone got a copy they can lend ?

On 11 Dec 98 at 18:12, Nic Wise wrote:

> You can generate OBJ's, but outside of that, I'd say it would be easier to
> learn, install, crash, uninstall, reinstall, crash, swear and (maybe) use
> VC++ than to try it in Delphi - ie, impossible.
> >
> > Does anyone know whats require to write a device driver in Delphi ?
> > Is it possible at all ?
> >


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