We have been developing a Paradox/BDE app for multiple users on 
a LAN, and would appreciate any suggestions or code fragments to 
make locking and responding to 'BDE: Locked Messages' more 
friendly to our users.

We know about the Session.NetDir, but have not found a way of 
finding locks on a record before a [dsEdit] is fired. The Edit 
raises a 'Locked by another user' exception.  How do you trap for 
an existing lock before the Table fires a lock?

We are using BDE 7, Paradox Driver & D4.02

Ian Simpson
Advantage Business Software Ltd
Box 2595 - Tauranga - NEW ZEALAND
Developers of Accounting & Contracting Software

Website:  accounts.co.nz
    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                  Website: http://www.delphi.org.nz

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