AFAIK, TCP/IP should enforce the sequence in which data is received by your 
It certainly seems to do this ok on my TCP/IP listener. However, it depends 
what you mean by "packets".

In my app, I send anything up to 1mb files from a sender on one machine 
(PC) to a receiver on another machine (which is running another operating 
system, no less), and vice versa.

I use
    Socket.SendStream( FileStream );     {send file}
where the FileStream is linked to a file.

After that, the TCP/IP socket components take over. At the other end 
there's a little more messing around because the socket receiver doesn't 
get everything in one hit (it's event driven, and the TCP/IP buffer 
releases its data in bursts, but the data always seems to arrive in order 
(presumably because TCP/IP is rearranging things before releasing the data 
to the "buffer").

Simon Mahony
System Creator,

-----Original Message-----
From:   Peter Harrison IT [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, July 13, 1999 1:37 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list delphi
Subject:        [DUG]:  TCP/IP Question

I am writing a TCP/IP Server.

I am using WinSock.

The client transmits several packets, and I was expecting the packets to
arrive on the server in the same order.  They don't appear to be arriving 
the same order they left - which is what I thought TCP/IP gives you.

Am I mistaken (and there is a bug in my program), or does TCP/IP not
actually enforce the order of arrival of packets?

Peter Harrison
Software Developer

    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    New Zealand Delphi Users group - Delphi List - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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