Hi Max,

I haven't had an excuse to revisit that old code, and I imagine there
are many things I could improve on now - certainly, following this
thread has given me ideas.  But the specific problem I had is easily

Add a treeview and three buttons to a form.  Put in the following code:

// for TForm1
        MyNode: TTreeNode;

// the buttons
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
        MyNode := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, 'blah');

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
        Form1.Position := poScreenCenter; // Calls RecreateWnd

Now run it, and click button1, button2, button3 and button2 in that
order.  Since after clicking button3 the form is recreated, and all the
tree nodes are recreated, MyNode becomes a dangling pointer.  What
you'll get when you click button2 the second time is anyone's guess.

I never spent the time to really get around the problem, either.  I just
changed the code that was setting Position := poScreenCenter to set Left
and Top instead.  This was mainly because my other object structure
didn't hold information about the way the tree was put together, and I
was pressed for time (I know, any excuse will do :).  But if I duplicate
the structure of the treeview myself, isn't that just wasted effort?
Still, I may have no choice if I want to do it properly, and then I also
need to pick up when the window is recreated in order to refresh all my
node pointers.  Not very pleasant.  I can't help but think there must be
a better solution.

Unfortunately, Phil's solution isn't a solution if he needs to access
something privately declared.  I think he'll continually be fighting to
set FCachedNode correctly.  Until he gives in and copies the entire
TreeView code to use as a basis for his own TreeView (yuck).  Sorry
Phil, not what you wanted to hear was it.

Max, if you've avoided this problem without creating your own
grass-roots treeview, how did you do it?


Carl Reynolds                      Ph: +64-9-4154790
CJN Technologies Ltd.             Fax: +64-9-4154791
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                DDI: +64-9-4154795
PO Box 302-278, North Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand
12 Piermark Drive, North Harbour Estate, Auckland, NZ
Visit our website at http://www.cjntech.co.nz/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Max Renshaw-Fox [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 3:49 PM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list delphi
> Subject:      RE: [DUG]: descending from TTreeView - take 4
> On re-reading this...
> In the original version the tree nodes _were_ responsible for
> creating, and
> destroying, the helper objects - afaik there were(are) no problems
> with
> RecreateWnd invalidating object references even though it is currently
> in
> use in half a dozen fairly significant production systems. The new
> version
> is different, and more generic.
> Max
> [Max Said]
> Yes they do have pointers back to their nodes.
> The tree nodes are not responsible for creating, or destroying, the
> objects
> associated with them though (this is the most recent iteration). In
> fact
> the intelligence for building the next level of nodes down lives in
> the
> objects, and the whole tree is built incrementally as nodes are
> opened. The
> effect is that the structure is maintained ion the objects, not the
> tree,
> and the objects decide whether to persist after the node is destroyed.
> So
> if the tree goes away, or in our case if the user chooses a new UI,
> outlook
> style, the rebuild is nice and fast.
> I wouldn't recommend it for small stuff - but the project it was
> designed
> for benefited a lot.
> [Carl Said]
> Max,
> Do your "Helper" NodeObjects have pointers to their respective
> TTreeView
> nodes?  Because I had that sort of arrangement, but then I found that
> if
> RecreateWnd was called on my form for any reason then all the
> TTreeNodes
> in the TTreeView were also recreated, and my NodeObject references to
> them were invalidated.  How do you get around this?
> Specifically, an ancestor form which dealt with form size and
> positioning was setting MyForm.Position := poScreenCenter in some
> circumstances, which calls RecreateWnd indirectly, so it was somewhat
> hard to avoid.
> Cheers,
> Carl Reynolds                      Ph: +64-9-4154790
> CJN Technologies Ltd.             Fax: +64-9-4154791
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                DDI: +64-9-4154795
> PO Box 302-278, North Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand
> 12 Piermark Drive, North Harbour Estate, Auckland, NZ
> Visit our website at http://www.cjntech.co.nz/
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:       Max Renshaw-Fox [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent:       Tuesday, August 24, 1999 8:57 AM
> > To: Multiple recipients of list delphi
> > Subject:    RE: [DUG]: descending from TTreeView - take 3
> >
> > The reason I asked was because I wondered whether you were using
> some
> > attribute of the custom node to sort on (vs the text associated with
> > the
> > node).
> >
> > The way we achieve node types is to associate a NodeObject with each
> > tree
> > node (using AddObject/AddChildObject inside our own node management
> > stuff) - which gives the node a type and holds other information we
> > require. Each NodeObject also holds a reference to its "OwnerNode"
> so
> > they
> > can find each other.
> >
> > It follows the "Helper Objects" rather than "Class Hierarchies"
> > philosophy,
> > which imho Delphi is based on - and brought to Java. This seems to
> > simplify
> > this sort of thing. We then descend from the NodeObject if we want
> to
> > do
> > fancy stuff (which incidentally allows the objects to do their own
> > stuff
> > independently too), or just store information in it if it's a simple
> > tree.
> > It also allows us to associate images, menu items, as well as
> > behaviours
> > etc, with each Node Type, stored in the object and doesn't stop the
> > default
> > tree behaviour, unless we don't surface it.
> >
> > Max


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