
On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 02:21:09PM +0800, Augustin wrote:

> I hope you will one day become more trustful.
> It is a pain to work in such an atmosphere of mistrust.

Maybe David is uneasy about expressing precisely his own feelings in
English (French might help), but please have it clear that it is not
at all a question of trust (or mistrust).

It is simply a question of sustainability and what we favor above all
is knowledge sharing (and you have already shown you played well this
game). It might some times seem a bit slow or conservative but the
project has been running this way for more than three years and still
runs (I, for example, see David literate programming as a big plus).

With respect to knowledge sharing, we try to document and share all
what we know so that none of us could be a bottleneck (David, for
example, could be hit by a bus or loose interest in the project or get
married, have children, or whatever).  ;-)

It has a cost: time and speed, but we believe the benefits outweight
these drawbacks. You would have had a meeting with us (and I hope it
will happen one day or the other) you would have immediately
understood it is not a question of trust: we welcome ANY
contribution. Please understand it simply takes some time to be
properly included (and this should go faster with habits -- we are
opening new tracks with you). We all have years of professionnal
experience in software developpment and we do not want to reproduce
ways we have already seen at (paid) work. We do it the free software
way: clean, open, peer reviewed, and, hopefully, sustainable
(according to our current size and resources).

Things would probably go faster if we had a larger (technical)

Hope this explains,

If you want more details about what we are currenty doing (today,
waiting for RAS to fix its mail servers), just ask. Most often, it
takes less time to work on things than to document the work under way.

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