Hi'n so..

> The symptoms you describe seem to show a configuration error on your web
> server. I've you checked that the CGI functionnality is enabled in your
> web server configuration file? It might be disabled by default for
> security reasons.

I did a test with another py script, it worked.

> Regarding the proxy configuration on tuxinette, the proxy file is at the
> root of the CGI directory, with "-rwxr-xr-x" rights. There are also two
> directories rpc/ and DemexpRpc/ that contain the needed RPC machinery:

But regarding to your answer, I dont have the following files :

// rpc directory :

rpc.py   rpc.x rpc_const.pyc  rpc_pack.pyc  rpc_type.pyc
rpc.pyc  rpc_const.py  rpc_pack.py    rpc_type.py   rpcsec/

I think that it'd may be the reason.. Can you tell me where they come
from ? Because pydemexp gave me only those :


client.py       client.pyc      const.py        const.pyc
__init__.py     __init__.pyc    pack.py         pack.pyc
types.py        types.pyc

and on the pydemexp root :

parser.out parsetab.py


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