On Wed, 2016-09-14 at 19:11 +0100, Richard Shann wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-09-14 at 18:03 +0100, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> > My second verse has the text:
> > 
> > A "pure heart crea-" "ate for me, O" God,
> > 
> > The error message in the .log file says:
> > 
> > C:/Users/joean/AppData/Local/Temp/Denemo_XXXXXX/denemoprintB.ly:350:28: 
> > error: syntax error, unexpected '-', expecting '='
> > \markup "A "pure heart crea
> >                             -" "ate for me, O" God, "put a" steadfast 
> > "spirit
> so you can't have " " marks in the verses.

come to think of it, of course I can replace those with nothing in the
verses at the end, so they will be allowed. Tomorrow!


>  I don't recall a lot about
> lyrics - you are using them to make two or more words into one syllable,
> I guess. I don't know if that is recommended, but there is/are some
> other way(s) of doing it which you will have to use. 
> I see that underscore does the trick so instead of "ate for me, O" you
> write ate_for_me,_O
> ... and now you hit a bug with verses at end, namely I haven't filtered
> out the _ when putting the verses at the end.
> How to workaround that? Well, having created your Custom Layout you can
> go into the LilyPond window and at the bottom you will see the verses
> with underscores and you can replace them with spaces. You need to turn
> off continuous typesetting and click the "Convert to LilyPond" button on
> your custom layout so that it is editable LilyPond output.
> Meanwhile I'll fix the bug, filtering out the _ characters. (It may be
> possible to use some other sort of space, by the way, there are some
> special space characters that might work).
> Richard
> > 
> > As if it is adding a double quote, processing "A<space>" and then 
> > baulking at the "- "sign used as a "this word is continued" symbol.
> > 
> > Same problem with Verse 3 with a spurious opening double quote producing 
> > a similar error.
> > 
> > C:/Users/joean/AppData/Local/Temp/Denemo_XXXXXX/denemoprintB.ly:356:169: 
> > error: syntax error, unexpected end of input, expecting '='
> > \markup "O Lord, "open my" lips "and my " "mouth shall de-" "clare your" 
> > praise. My "sacrifice is a" contrite spirit, a "humbled, contrite" 
> > "heart you will not" spurn."
> > 
> > No problem with the verses typeset between the Piano Staves.
> > 
> > Joe
> > File attached:
> > 
> > 
> > On 14/09/2016 15:01, Richard Shann wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2016-09-14 at 13:28 +0100, Joe Wilkinson wrote:
> > >> Thanks so far.
> > >>
> > >> I have a "second movement" containing 3 chanted verses. I have tried the
> > >> Lyrics Typeset at end,
> > >>   but can't seem to get it to work on the attached.
> > > I just created a score with two verses then tested Lyrics->Typeset Verse
> > > at End, it asked which verse to start from in typesetting at the end. I
> > > told it 2 and it printed both verses under the music and one (the
> > > second) typeset at the end.
> > > As the help suggests, to prevent verse two appearing in both places you
> > > would need to go to View->Score Layout and delete the second verse from
> > > the layout using the X button beside it.
> > >
> > > What did you do/expect?
> > >
> > > Richard
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
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