Doing none of that.  The posted code is the only running application and method 
accessing that database.

I don't think that the database is being shutdown, even abnormally by something 
internal as there is nothing in the derby.log to indicate such and no 
indication of the database then being booted.  Note that these messages are 
coming out while the application is running, not at the end.   The application 
continues to run even after these message come out.

Another strange observation is that the application does not report any errors 
itself yet it does not create the required number of entries either.  The 
application is trying to initialize 500,000 rows in the database, yet after it 
finishes and these errors reported, it has somewhere around 499,7xx entries.   
The only way that I can see that happen with the application not reporting any 
error yet not creating the number of required entries is for the sequence to 
return the same sequence numbers when the error is happening.   If this were 
happening, then the application would already see a row and not try to create 
one again (the logic below in the application checks to see if there is an 
entry already present).

Note that the application is batching up inserts and committing these 10 at a 
time.   It is using the JPA transaction manager to perform the transactions but 
that should not matter because in this standalone case, that should in turn be 
using the native database transactions.

I will turn on statement logging to make sure and see if I can get this into a 
smaller reproducible case.

From: Rick Hillegas []
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2017 7:55 PM
To:; Bergquist, Brett
Subject: Re: Any idea why a sequence is getting "Derby could not obtain the 
locks needed to release the unsused preallocated values for the sequence" error

Hi Brett,

SequenceUpdater.clean() is the only method which raises that error. The header 
comment on that method says that the condition can arise if someone else is 
doing DDL while you are allocating sequence numbers, or if someone else is 
scanning SYS.SYSSEQUENCES, or if the database shuts down while sequence numbers 
are still being grabbed. Is your application doing any of this at steady-state?


On 9/19/17 3:04 PM, Bergquist, Brett wrote:
I have a simple application that is running with no other access to the 
database.   A sequence is defined


The application is retrieving the next sequence number with a "VALUES (NEXT 
VALUE FOR LOG_ENTRY_SEQUENCE)" statement and then that sequence number is being 
used as an ID for the rows to be inserted int  another database table.

500,000 rows are going to be inserted.   When this is run, periodically there 
is an error being logged by derby.

Here is the derby.log

Tue Sep 19 15:55:06 EDT 2017:
Booting Derby version The Apache Software Foundation - Apache Derby -
- (1765088): instance a816c00e-015e-9bb4-c83b-ffffb4d52705
on database directory /opt/csemlogger/glassfish4/databases/csemloggerdb with 
class loader 
Loaded from 
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath=''
Database Class Loader started - derby.database.classpath='CSEM.csemderby'
Derby could not obtain the locks needed to release the unused, preallocated 
values for the sequence 'CSEM'.'LOG_ENTRY_SEQUENCE'. As
a result, unexpected gaps may appear in this sequence.
Derby could not obtain the locks needed to release the unused, preallocated 
values for the sequence 'CSEM'.'LOG_ENTRY_SEQUENCE'. As
a result, unexpected gaps may appear in this sequence.
Derby could not obtain the locks needed to release the unused, preallocated 
values for the sequence 'CSEM'.'LOG_ENTRY_SEQUENCE'. As
a result, unexpected gaps may appear in this sequence.
Derby could not obtain the locks needed to release the unused, preallocated 
values for the sequence 'CSEM'.'LOG_ENTRY_SEQUENCE'. As
a result, unexpected gaps may appear in this sequence.

Here is the code used.   Note that it is using JPA, however the LogEnty entity 
being inserted is not using the sequence.   All LogEntry ID assignment is done 
manually using the result of the sequence number retrieved (the slot 

private static void initializeLoggerEntryTable(SetupContext ctx, long 
entryCount) {
        EntityManager em = ctx.getEntityManager();

        Query nextSeqQuery = em.createNativeQuery("VALUES (NEXT VALUE FOR 

        int j = 0;
        // Create a transaction
        for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {

            long nextSeq = ((Long) nextSeqQuery.getSingleResult()).longValue();
            long slot = nextSeq % entryCount;

            // See if there is a LogEntry at this slot
            LogEntry logEntry = em.find(LogEntry.class, slot);
            if (null == logEntry) {
                // There is not, so create one
                logEntry = new LogEntry();
                // Persist the chassis template

            // Commit the transaction
            if (++j >= 10) {
                j = 0;

The sequence is not used outside of this code and there is no other access to 
the database.   I don't understand why some internal lock could not be obtained.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Canoga Perkins
20600 Prairie Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 718-6300

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Canoga Perkins
20600 Prairie Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 718-6300

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