Thanks for all your work on this release, Rick.

I checked over the docs (my only area of expertise) and found them to be in order, with one exception: On the index.html page under More Resources, my company firewall would not allow me to access the last link (the resources page, although it had no problem with the preceding two (the website and wiki). I wonder why that is? Once I am at (the Resources tab link), I can click Overview under Integration with Other Products, and I get to just fine.

Anyway, +1.

Kim Haase

On 2/12/2020 6:53 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
I have finished my testing of I knocked off a number of checklist items (see;!!GqivPVa7Brio!JfcuDhCnxbwZF1j9LpndC2V4HxVMQ7J8E73uXkhKV-CdaKzKEXBxoGtw0ZCE-p1w1w$ ) and I ran the test suites on several platforms (see;!!GqivPVa7Brio!JfcuDhCnxbwZF1j9LpndC2V4HxVMQ7J8E73uXkhKV-CdaKzKEXBxoGtw0ZDy8nSnZg$ ). I encountered one minor issue: the copyright date in the docs branch of the source distro is still set at 2018. I don't think that this warrants a new release candidate: the copyright date in the generated docs is correct and anyone can build docs with the correct date simply by overriding the copyright year as the release scripts do.

I think that is an improvement over


On 2/4/20 6:51 PM, Rick Hillegas wrote:
Please test-drive the candidate, then vote on whether to accept it as a Derby release. The candidate lives at:*rhillegas/;fg!!GqivPVa7Brio!JfcuDhCnxbwZF1j9LpndC2V4HxVMQ7J8E73uXkhKV-CdaKzKEXBxoGtw0ZAsLzIAxw$
The polls close at 5:00 pm California time on Tuesday February 18. is a maintenance release, described in greater detail here:;!!GqivPVa7Brio!JfcuDhCnxbwZF1j9LpndC2V4HxVMQ7J8E73uXkhKV-CdaKzKEXBxoGtw0ZCaHAmMfA$
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


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