Bryan Pendleton wrote:
Kristian Waagan wrote:


While investigating a little around logging of connections, I found that the Javadoc of NetworkServerControl.logConnections(boolean) states that a message is printed to derby.log when a connection is made or closed. I do not observe this when connecting/disconnecting to/from a network server with ij. Only when connecting is a message printed (if connection logging is enabled).

I agree with your analysis. The Network Server appears to only log
connections, not disconnections, and so the line in
which says

# derby.drda.logConnections=true: This property turns on logging of connections
    and disconnections. Default is connections are not logged.

seems inaccurate, and should be changed to remove "and disconnections".

This same doc also appears to exist at:

So we should fix it in all these places, I think.

Thank you very much for your feedback, Bryan.

I suppose that the alternative would be to modify the Network Server
so that it logs disconnections; I could see situations where that would
be useful. If we do that, we should probably also investigate and at the same time, as they
seem related (and would have helped the original user, I think, who was
trying to figure out if his connection pooling was working or not).

I agree with you that logging disconnections could be helpful, and that the two issues mentioned have value. At the present time, I have not seen anyone itching for them. I will add a Jira entry for the documentation fixes, and if it is not picked up by someone in a little while I will do the work involved. This task is a small one, and should be completed in a short time to avoid confusing users.

I suppose we will see more releases for 10.1, but should we change the docs for 10.0 as well?
(I haven't seen any info on upcoming releases lately)

If there is more support for logging of disconnections, we must add a Jira issue for this as well (and perhaps a subtask of updating the documentation again for the current release and links to DERBY-292/293).

Should we consider adding logging of disconnections, or does anyone see reasons not to do it?




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