Andrew McIntyre wrote:

On 3/13/06, Kristian Waagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Have I missed why we are not allowed to delete stuff from Jira anymore?
I saw Kathey was unable to delete a comment, and I am not able to delete
an attachment I would like to replace.
I tried deleting from a issue I both reported and was assigned to (I was
even logged in!), but the delete controls are not there anymore.

Is this a change of policy, or just a issue that will go away in a
little while?

I was concerned last week when an entire issue was deleted, and I
double-checked the permissions and some permissions (like delete) were
granted too widely, in my opinion, allowing any jira user to perform
them. Deleting an issue (which is then not recoverable), I restricted
to the derby-administrators group, although I had not realized at the
time that the delete privilege covers the ability to delete comment
and attachments as well, a bit of poor granularity on the part of
JIRA's permissions schemes.

Others on the list have requested that patches and comments not be
deleted from JIRA so that there is a record of how patches progress,
along with all relevant comments, so I'm tempted to leave it as-is.

Anyone else feel differently? The permanent deletion of issues is a
bad thing, I sort of hoped that JIRA would actually keep the records,
but it appears not. But if people really want to be able to delete
comments, I can give the derby-developers group the delete permission

Okay, thanks for the explanation.
It was me that deleted a Jira entry, when I found out that a sub-task can only be made from clicking the "Create sub task" link, and not through the "Create issue" dialog. Guess I should have notified the list about it.

Anyway, in general I agree that things should not be deleted, but sometimes I feel the need to delete attachments - or actually replace one. I have a Jira where I uploaded a file recently, and noone has probably looked at the file yet. The problem is that I made a last minute change which caused the file not to compile, and I don't see any good reason for keeping it on Jira.

The regular developer should in my opinion only be able to delete her/his own comments and attachments.


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