Rick Hillegas wrote:

1) Is this a bug? Should Statement.getGeneratedKeys() return a
ResultSet whose column has the same type as the underyling
autogenerated column?

Reading from the JDBC 3.0 and JDBC 4.0 spec it seems clear to me that we are not compliant and if non-compliance is a bug, this is a bug. The spec says: "Calling ResultSet.getMetaData on the ResultSet object returned by getGeneratedKeys will produce a ResultSetMetaData object that can be used to determine the number, type and properties of the generated keys."

2) If this is a bug, is it permitted to change this behavior in a
minor release?

Of course debate continues, but I think it would be first good to objectively assess what JDBC calls might be affected. Perhaps whomever is considering making this change could do a thorough analysis and present it to the community. After that we could use this issue as a test case for our goal at http://wiki.apache.org/db-derby/ForwardCompatibility as we look at potential risk and what level of consultation is needed with the user community for the change and when it is appropriate. It should be a good test as our current documented behavior and the spec are at odds.


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