Hi Kathey,

If an issue would cause you to vote -1 on the 10.2 release, please mark the issue as Critical or Blocker.

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Kathey Marsden wrote:

Alternately we could just not muddy the Jira descriptions of these fields and only mark only mark Fix Version 10.2 for an unassigned if we would vote -1 on the release if it is not fixed, mark the priorities objectively based on the Jira priority descriptions[2 ] and use the Wiki or some other mechanism for community bug review and identification of high value fixes.

Oops, let me try with actual sentences.
Original proposal was: to use the fix version/priority for community bug review.

Details here: http://www.nabble.com/prioritized-10.2-bug-list-tf1932945.html#a5301968 * Mark Fix Version 10.2 for unassigned issues if we think it is a high value fix that could be fixed in time for the release.
   * Iteratively adjust Fix Version as we get closer to the release.
   * Use Blocker/Critical to mark  must fix issues.
Details here:

Yes, please. This is an easy policy for me to wrap my mind around.


Alternate approach is
* Only mark Fix Version 10.2 for unassigned issues if we think they are a must fix. * Mark the priorities objectively based on the Jira Priority Descriptions which are really severity. * Use the Wiki or some other mechanism for community bug review and identification of high value fixes.


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